Pepper and family

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

3 years have passed...

It has been 3 years since Pepper chose me, and since then, Smeagol, Saffron and Storm came along. Went crazy and got a few other pets along the way...3 bunnies, cockatiels, hedgehog, hamsters and a chipmunk.
Sounds like a zoo huh! Well...chipmunk died after a week, a case of overdosed apple..apparently to much is one told me that!
My cockatiel died a few weeks ago but the family still grows when Saffron and Storm decided to get DIRTY with each other...then came Sirmo, Selphion and granddaughters on 31 December 2005! What a new year gift!

Here's a pic of my gentle boy..Smeagol.


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