Pepper and family

Monday, February 27, 2006

Pepper obsessed with grooming! little princess (well, she's not exactly lilltle anymore!) has always been obsessed with grooming. While most cats spends their time snoozing..she grooms herself all the time. licking here and there...scratching here and there..;)

If she is not grooming herself...she'll find the others to it Smeagol, Saffron, Storm or even the babies. She'll pin them down and clean them even if they dont like it.

The kitty's 1st shot!

26 February 2006...the babies are 8 weeks old and it is time for their 1st shot. Brought them to Dr Hasnul at about 1pm. They explored the whole car!

At the clinic, Dr Has said they might be sleeping whole day or cranky after getting the shots and to looking for them for the next 72 hours. If they continue to have fever after 72 hours...I have to start to PANIC!

Well, they were still hyper last night except when I tried lifting Szuzfa, she bit me when I touched the spot where the needle was inserted. It must be a bit sore. Poor girl! This morning they were not as noisy as usual, the jap must have kicked in! Well, I hope they feel better soon...

1 April I'll bring them for their 2nd shot!

Monday, February 20, 2006

In loving memory...Sirmo 31 December 2005 - 17 February 2006

Sirmo, born on 31 December 2005 at about 4pm was the best new year gift anymore could ask for! She was a fighter despite the difficulty to move and do stuff on her own. Very vocal and for someone so tiny...has got quite a bite to be proud of!

After 7 weeks of manually feeding her and cleaning up after her, I think it would be best to let her rest in peace. I will always love her and remember that look in her eyes along with all the tiny bite marks she gave me when I was feeding her vitamins and medicine! Hopefully she'll forgive me for the decision I had to make and she is happy now in Cat Heaven.

Nanny Loves YOU...SIRMO!!!

These are pics of Sirmo when Aunty Pepper was helping out to care for her a few days after Saffron starts to abandon her!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Sirmo was born healthy, cute and adorable! 2 1/2 weeks after that she became sick. I realized that Saffron is begining to ignore her and her limps are getting weaker each day. She cant move much or stand on her own. I took her to Dr Hasnul and he asked me to give her a pill a day for her nerves. I brought her to work with me everyday and fed her every 3 hours. Now, I'm her mommy! After 8 days of nursing her her she got stronger and could move/slide herself from 1 end of the room to another. She could also drink milk from Saffron on her own, so I put her back with the rest of her siblings and mom! My mistake!

2 days after that, she became weak again and now I have to repeat the whole routine again. This time it seems more difficult..more hard work. Her weight increases but her joints and getting stiffer even with the physiotherapy I'm trying to give her every 3-4 hours a day! I'm in a dilemma. She is a fighter at the same time I cant bear to see her suffer. I really hope she recovers!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sirmo, Selphion & Szuzfa

31 December 2005

I knew Saffron was pregnant but didnt think she was due till mid January 06. As I was preparing for new year eve...what to wear...where to go..etc..etc...I saw Saffron having a contraction at about 2.30 pm. I didnt prepare anything and she was panting hard..poor girl! Pepper helped to groom her and comfort her. She followed Saffron left and right. I think she even cleaned Saffron when her water bag broke!
3.00 pm my sis-in-law called and wanted me to accompany her to Lan's house. Told her we have to be quick. I sent Pepper and the rest into their room and left Saffron alone in the living room. Thought she didntthe space!!

I came home at 4.00 pm and realized that I didnt close my bedroom door. Could find Saffron anywhere...then I thought of looking under my bed..and there she was! I had to pushed my bed aside and guess what?? I saw a looking thing under her! It was her 1st baby. Saffron looked tired and I couldnt her the baby cry. Thanks to my experienced friends, Dr. Hasnul the vet and the book I just bought 2 days before that...I picked up the baby, swing it left and right and blew at her face! Then I heard a cry and she was breathing! Gave her back to Saffron.

Then came the 2nd baby. When I was busy with baby 1st baby, she was cleaning 2nd baby all on her own! Just when I thought everything was over 3rd baby popped out! By this time, Saffron was too exausted to eat the placenta and lick the baby so I tore open the thin layer of skin which covered 3rd baby! I tied the umbilical cord and cut all three. I was relieved that Saffron ate all the placenta and she took care of all her babies on her own after that!

The kittens are all Torties, which means they are all females. I named them after spices in different languages.

Here are Sirmo, Szuzfa and Selphion at 21 days old....


February 2004 Who would have thought that I would get another cat after Saffron! I kept on telling everyone, 3 is enuf! Ya right! This little fella chose me too. He was sent for boarding at Pet Zone and the owner never picked him up! ;(

Sad isnt it! Everytime I passed by his cage, he would reach out and touch could anyone resist that?! So that's how I ended up having my 4th baby...Storm has a foot fetish and likes to lick anyone's feet especially if it is wet! Sound eewww but that is STORM! He loves kneading and massaging me especially while watching TV. Over time, he is Saffron's best buddy, love of her life and father to her 3 daughters!


23 September 2004 ... Saffron was born and I finally found the RED kitten I've been looking for. Waited for 2 months and finnaly brought her home on November 23. Or course as usual Pepper didnt like the idea of having someone new in the family, so Saffron had to 'manja-manja' with Smeagol. She was quite difficult to please at 1st. Didn't want to eat this...refused to eat that, I almost gave up and I tak layan her, she decided to have a bite. This picture was taken a few days after I brought her home. Isn't she a doll ;) Would you believe that after a year, she is now a mom herself! She doesnt like to be held like the other two. Most difficult cat to take her medication. I'll be at war with her when I try to pop a tablet into her system!

But there is a way for her to come to you. The minute she smells or sees you eating, she'll be the 1st to jump onto your lap. After that, she's GONE!


May 2004 I decided to get Pepper a companion. My collegue told me that her mother-in-law had a kitten to give here we go again. I went over to Batu Cave area and saw this skinny, white kitten. Didnt know what to say in the beginning but since I was already there..I thought to myself...oklah...ambik ajelah...I was actually looking for a fat RED cat! Similarto Garfield! I was there with my sister-in-law, Azlina and I was determined to make this fella fat and handsome...look at him now! What a STUD!

You'd never imagine how he looked when I 1st laid eyes on him...all bones and full of fleace! Here goes...

3 years have passed...

It has been 3 years since Pepper chose me, and since then, Smeagol, Saffron and Storm came along. Went crazy and got a few other pets along the way...3 bunnies, cockatiels, hedgehog, hamsters and a chipmunk.
Sounds like a zoo huh! Well...chipmunk died after a week, a case of overdosed apple..apparently to much is one told me that!
My cockatiel died a few weeks ago but the family still grows when Saffron and Storm decided to get DIRTY with each other...then came Sirmo, Selphion and granddaughters on 31 December 2005! What a new year gift!

Here's a pic of my gentle boy..Smeagol.